Atela Architects is pleased to exhibit its work at the Architecture Gallery on 14, 15, and 16 January 2016. During a three-day exhibition, Atela Architects will showcase its recent projects, including its latest achievement, the rehabilitation of the Maison du Mexique. A film made on the occasion of this rehabilitation will be screened. During a round table discussion on 15 January at 6:30 pm, we will address the issues of student housing, by bringing together key intervenants in the Île-de-France region's production
14 January 2016 7 pm-9:30 pm: film screening and opening
15 January 2016 6:30-9:30 pm: round table - "The challenges of student housing"
Lise Mesliand - Deputy Director General in charge of development - EPPS
Zineb Amrane - Project Director - EPA Plaine de France
Baudouin Delaporte - Director of Investment and Arbitration - Gécina
Jean Bernard Vaultier - Head of Accommodation - CROUS de Paris
Suzel Brout - Architect
Andrés Atela - Architect and Teacher
Exhibition of the projects of Atela Architects on 15 and 16 January 2016 from 11 am to 7 pm.
Come and visit us!